Comedy Night Green Screen



Pictures taken during the Valentine’s Comedy Night Fundraiser hosted by Indian Springs Music Boosters and Comedy for Causes – Laniea D. Productions.

Wonderful comedic performances byAnthony Stone, Eileen Kallo and Sean Williams in support of Indian Springs Music Boosters. We all had a great time. Please give your love to Laniea Dominguez CEO of Comedy for Causes. She is doing a wonderful thing for the Community! Here is the FB page. ComedyforCauses

Host/MC: Laniea Dominguez Comedians:  Sean Williams, Eileen Kallo and Anthony Stone
Host/MC: Laniea Dominguez Comedians: Sean Williams, Eileen Kallo and Anthony Stone
Comedienne Eileen Kallo
Comedienne Eileen Kallo







Comedian Sean Williams
Comedian Sean Williams
Comedian Anthony Stone
Comedian Anthony Stone


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